Friday, 11 December 2015

The origin of beautiful white Opal Drusy

White Opal Drusy is an amorphous type of Hydrous Silica which was once considered to be unlucky. But, this can be attributed just because the gemstone was quite fragile and often chipped and scratched very easily. Since it has a very high amount of water, it is capable of deteriorating in cold and heat. Nonetheless, it’s a very attractive stone and it’s also considered to be lucky for some countries.

There are a lot of varieties of White Opal Drusy and each of the varieties is attractive and beautiful in its own unique way. The stone offers a very rich hue of prismatic shades which flash from the tiny fissures even when it’s cut into cabochons. It’s spangled and translucent with different shades of blue, yellow and red specks.

The most common variant of Opal is off white or a milky shade of blue and it produces the similar kind of effect but to lesser extent because of its opacity.

Another variant of opal that is Fire Opal is the hyacinth red to a honey yellow and displays intense red and orange fire like reflection. This is the only variant which may be faceted since some of the specimens are completely transparent.

Water Opal resembles the Fire Opal but the only difference is that it is completely colourless.

Wooden Opal is because of the replacement of the fossil woods by Hydrous Silica with retention of wood structure. It’s cut with the matrix for additional strength.

The very precious opal, in case held with the light displays a wonderful display of beautiful colours. It’s the most precious of all

Opal needs to be cut thickly because it fragile, for a fine cut, more the gemstone would deteriorate with time. It’s a very good idea to first thoroughly wash opal with water so that all the traces of cosmetics or perspiration are removed from it.

In other words, it is a good source of investment for the meticulous ones, and less for the negligent ones.

Although the extensive fresh deposits have been found recently in Australia from where sufficient amount of opal to visibly inundate the markets may be mined. However, the price of the some still continues to increase.

Most of the opal is mined in Australia except the Fire opal that is found in parts of Mexico.

Technical specifications

The stone has been rated 5.5 to 6.5 on Moh’s scale of hardness
The specific gravity of the stone is between 1.98 to 2.20
The structure of the stone is amorphous
There is no cleavage in the stone
The refractive index ranges between 1.44 to 1.46

The stone is used for making earrings, rings, pendants, etc. But, it needs care and needs to be handled careful as it’s fragile. However, the maintenance of Drusy jewels is very easy. It can be done at home itself. You don’t need to go to the jeweller specifically for getting the jewels cleaned.

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