Thursday, 1 October 2015

Drusy - The beauty of beautiful and sparkling crystals

Even though there should be a lot of variations in the names — druse, drusy, druzy and drusies, —one thing about it which always remains constant is that it is a pervasive gemstone that is a symbol of beauty.

It comprises of various tiny Quartz crystals which form either on or in other gemstones. The Drusy Quartz is a mineral which has imperatively unlimited possibilities for an artist. The sparkling, clear and shiny crystals look just like mini diamonds shining in the sun’s light. Reflecting light, the crystals of druzy often occur in a wide range of colors like pink, orange, white, green, blue, etc. Just image how snow or sugar crystals would look like sparkling in the sun. Drusy looks just like that.

It is quite interesting to see how, druzy gets its shape from different varieties of Quartz on which the druzy itself forms. Thus with a number of varieties of the Quartz, there are a lot of cuts as well as shapes in which druzy is available.

Fashioned approximately 2.5 Million years back and found in the valley of Omo in Ethiopia by the archaeologists were some of the man's earliest as well as most primitive tools. With the help of these tools Drusy was made.

As per legend, Flat Druzy Quartz even today is held in the form of an energizer which helps in stabilizing the body as well as aura of human. It also promotes creativity.

The crystals of Drusy went completely unnoticed in the industry of jewelry until recently when they started appearing in the works of prominent jeweler carvers and fashion designers.

The Druzy Collection

Including druzy in the jewelry items as well as fashion repertoires would help in broadening the options you have. Because of its accessibility, abundance, and versatility, druzy is fast becoming popular amongst the jewelry wearer as well as designers.

Appeal of Druzy

The appeal of druzy is now beginning to grow for the jewelry made with Drusy quartz since it exhibits multiple small crystals which sparkle with reflective surfaces just like the crystals of snow or sugar. The size as well as evenness of the crystals’ coverage is both significant value components when the quality of as well as worth of Drusy stones is determined.

Drusy jewelry care and handling

Rated at a 7 on the scale of hardness by Moh, druzy quartz is suited beautifully for earrings. pins, bracelets and pendants. But, rings and bracelets are less preferred, because of the possibility of the Druzy being detached. Drusy is fragile and thus even little force can damage it.

Drusy Quartz may be cleaned with the help of a solution of warm soap and water and a very soft bristles brush. As is the case with most of the gemstones, even Drusy Quartz needs to be kept totally away from the household-chemicals and also from a continuous exposure to extreme weather conditions since it can cause damage or some permanent alterations in its appearance. Druzy quartz needs to be kept in fabric lined box and away from all the other items of jewelry for avoiding any scratching or damage.

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